University at Buffalo

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Faizan Haq has taught the following courses at the University at Buffalo:

Islamic Cultural History (CPM 390) 
Cross listed with Religious Studies Program

This course is designed to address and understand Islamic Culture, History and Muslim lifestyles. There are over 1.2 billion Muslims spread across the globe. Within Islamic World there is a great diversity of people, cultures, languages, ethnicities, and nationalities. This course will explore the Islamic approach towards diversity and multiculturalism.We will be looking at the daily lives of the Muslims and the effects of the Islamic practices on different cultures and people. Students will be encouraged to discuss and contribute to the culture of the class by sharing their experiences and views.

USA and The Muslim World (CPM 250)
Cross listed with Religious Studies Program

Students are expected to analyze and present their findings regarding the current state of the Muslim world and its relations with the West, particularly the U.S. Class discussions will focus on historical, cultural and political factors shaping the present and the future of the Muslim world, which includes the Middle East, the greater Middle East such as Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and Muslim minority communities in Asia, Europe and North America. Each student is assigned a Muslim country or a community to represent and report on for the entire semester.

Islam and Democracy (CPM 295)
Cross listed with Asian Studies

The future of democracy in the Muslim world is currently an issue of intellectual, political and cultural curiosity in all capitals of the West, and it remains equally worrisome phenomenon among the Muslim countries around the world. Most of the Muslim world has been identified as undemocratic or under dictatorial rule. This course is designed to research and discuss historical, cultural and religious roots of the current disposition of Muslim countries.

Department of American Studies (1996 - 1998)

American Lives and Environment (AMS 114) Fall ‘97, Spring '98
Diversity at Work and Multiculturalism at Home 

This course was designed to understand the complexity of working, living and interacting with people of different backgrounds and cultures. ‘Affirmative Action’ is discussed as a policy and also as an issue.

American Lives and Environment (AMS 114) Fall ‘96 - Spring ‘97 
Survey of U.S. Education System in Inner Cities

These courses were designed to survey the education System of the United States and in-depth analyses of the consequences of such a system. The issue of Affirmative Action in American educating was also part of the discussions.

Independent Study (AMS 499) Spring ‘97, Summer ‘97, Fall '97, Spring ‘98

Designed and directed independent study and research projects of senior undergraduate students in the following areas:

1. Effects of Communication Technology on Culture;
2. Multiculturalism & Diversity;
3. Comparative Approach to Multicultural Literature;
4. Muslims' Image in Hollywood.

US in the World (AMS 207, Spring '98)
Global Markets and Technology 

This course was designed to educate undergraduate students about the ever-changing world around us. The increasing global trade and advanced technology is changing the face of market-based economies. Students are encouraged to use Internet to research specific areas for business and political stability.