October 26-28, 2001
University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan
30th AMSS Annual Conference, the theme of the conference: “Religion and Society in the Global Epoch”. A different version of this paper was presented at ISNA’s Islam in American Conference at Chicago held on July 5-7, 2002 weekend. The title of presentation was, “Negotiating Perceptions: Construct of New Muslim Image in America.”
His second presentation during this conference was entitled: “New Realities for Pakistan and its Allies”
October 20-21, 2001
The Diplomatic Academy of London, The University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
3rd Annual AMSS (Association of Muslim Social Scientists)
(UK) Conference Paper accepted but not presented due to September 11 events travel plans were canceled.Click here for conference booklet
Click here for conference review (AMSS UK Newsletter 5)
June 29-July 1, 2001
IndianaIslam in America Conference organized by Islamic Society of North America.
June 8, 2001
Washington D.C.
Regional Integration in South Asia Conference organized by National Advisory Council on South Asian Affairs (NACSAA) Foreign Service.
May 29-31, 2001
Geneseo Community College, Geneseo, New York
CIT 2001 Conference, CIT (Conference on Instructional Technology) is a SUNY sponsored conference that is designed to help faculty use cutting edge technology to teach better. A manual was developed to use MS Word’s capabilities to use it academically in a multi-author environment.
May 29-31, 2001
Geneseo Community College, Geneseo, New YorkCIT 2001 Conference, Public Relations software developed to quickly process Research, Objectives, Publics, and Evaluation (ROPE) of a PR campaign.